Saturday, July 30, 2011

Someone should be collecting overtime

This post is all about the hardest working guy in our kitchen. And I'm sure you've all guessed that I'm talking about Chris, and while Chris works hard at his job, the kitchen is one place where he tries his best to not do any work. I'm actually talking about my Cuisinart food processor. This guy has been working awfully hard this week, at times getting so hot that I thought death may be knocking on his door. Today this guy pureed his way through peaches and peas for my sweet P.
You don't find colors like this in jarred baby food!
Then he pulverized his way through almonds making two types of almond butter, maple cinnamon almond butter and chocolate chip cookie dough almond butter

The maple cinnamon butter is for my sister who's coming to visit this week (surprise Meg! leave room in your suitcase) and the chocolate chip cookie dough butter is for my other sweet P's as they wanted a little something to dip their apple slices into this afternoon. The maple cinnamon almond butter is fantastic and turned out really well. The chocolate chip cookie dough butter is really my take on the linked recipe because as I was making it I realized that I was missing almond extract, which is identified as a key ingredient to the recipe. And when I added the chocolate chips to the almond butter the chips melted because the almond butter was still too warm. So my version ended up being a chocolate vanilla almond butter, but the sweet P's still gobbled it down!
Dreaming about the next flavor of nut butter to make
How about you, what's the hardest working appliance in your kitchen? I sure hope you don't say the microwave! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I can't wait for my almond butter! You're so sweet. But mostly I can't wait to see all you sweet peas!
