Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Forgot the fashion advice and deep thoughts

My previous post neglected to give you the promised fashion advice from Lizzie and deep thoughts by Conner, so here you go:

Lizzie's fashion tip #1:
Nobody likes to see VDL (visible diaper lines) so be sure to wear pants that are a bit loose in the butt/

Conner's deep thought:
Was I really supposed to be born first, or did Lizzie just push me out of the womb to try and take over the place?

Its fall y'all

Ugh, I can't believe October is almost over. This year has just passed by way too quickly but isn't that the way it always goes. Good things just go by too fast. We are loving the cooler weather- you know I love putting my babies in stocking hats (or toboggans as they call them in these parts). The leaves are just beginning to turn vibrant reds, oranges and yellows, the air is cool in the morning, and sweaters are being pulled out of storage. Fall is really a great time to live in North Carolina. Every weekend there is some sort of festival occurring and this year we have been more motivated to engage in these cheap forms of entertainment.

Chris and I also got away for a quick weekend trip to Chicago a few weekends ago. Chris' friend from med school was getting married and we made the trip up there. It was an absolutely beautiful Indian wedding and I got the privilege of wearing a gorgeous Indian sari! It was a lot of fun and best of all, Grannie Elaine came out and stayed with the babies. Fun was had by all.

Now, we just have Halloween coming up to close out the month. The babies are dressing up and boy, are they going to be cute. Pictures will be posted but here's a hint at their costumes:
Hint: They are dressing up as this animal which almost always gives birth to twins.
Stay tuned for the answer....

The first entry (attempt)

Welcome! After discovering how much I love reading others blogs, I have decided to start one to keep up with family and friends. We are at such an exciting time in our lives right now and I want to keep all of you updated with our happenings. So here's what I envision this blog will be about:
1. What's happening in Conner and Elizabeth's life
2. Fashion advice from Elizabeth
3. Deep thoughts by Conner
4. Pictures of Conner and Elizabeth
5. A few tidbits about Mom and Dad (no worries, these will be minimal).

So, I'll give it a shot and let me know what y'all think. I hope this makes you all feel like you are right here in North Carolina with us!
Chris, Erin, Conner and Elizabeth